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DID YOU KNOW?The nickname for Hibiscus is "SHOE FLOWER" because the flowers were once used to polish shoes in Jamaica & Africa. The juice from the petals can also be used as a blackening agent for shoes and mascara. Who knew?!The flowers on these shoes are not Hibiscus, but still, I thought it fitting...

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SPOTLIGHT! Joans paintbrushes

SPOTLIGHT! ✴️ A Caribbean studio: nestled between the house and a retaining wall (nice rock work by the way). What seems a simple pathway is actually where the magic happens! Would it be as complete without her LEATHER PAINTBRUSH CASE?! Seeing this case is a blast from the past. I made it TWENTY years ago! Im thrilled to see it's still alive & well. I love this...thanks Joan & Al! 🧡

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Leather Conditioning

Should you condition your leather?  Why yes, you should!! You don't want it to dry out and crack. Conditioning helps to restore natural oils and moisture. When your leather looks dull and it is not as supple as it once was, it's time to condition... Does Awl Made Here provide this service? Why yes, it does! Call/text/email/pm 

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SPOTLIGHT! Family Aprons!

SPOTLIGHT! ✴️Family Aprons: Mary had the amazing idea to have aprons made for her daughters & granddaughters as Christmas gifts. Each apron was made from up-cycled bluejeans as well as items that "meant something" to each receiver (fabric from favorite PJ's or dresses from their youth, ribbon from great grandmothers sewing box, shirt pocket from daddy's tee, buttons, lace, etc).I LOVE THIS PIC! Thanks for sending it, Mary. And thanks for allowing me to create these "forever-gifts"!

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